Writing VB .Net Requirements Document, Event Planning Document and Use Case Definition App. Project's Example

  • In this page we'll provide example on how the 3 Docs (The Requirements Doc., The Event Planning Doc. & The Use Case Definition) actually work by creating a small project application using VB .Net 2010.
  • Now, let say you're a programmer and you've been asked by a client (Company) to create a desktop application (i.e. Personal Saving Account) for the employees in the client's company, and the client provided you with the job application form as follows :
  • Dear Sir,
    Please design a windows desktop application and write the code that will execute according to the Requirements Doc. and The Use Case Definition attached to you.
    Provide us with the Event Planning Doc. for each and every event in the program.

    • Attach (1) - Requirements Doc.

      Application Title

      My Personel Saving Account

      This Windows App. calculates the employees Final savings according to various annually rates. The rates of interest (I.) must be pre-defined by the employees manually as they change hourly.
      Application Procedures
      In a windows application, our employees can repeatedly add new accounts and rates info and be able to print these info out.
      algorithm, Proccessing & Conditions
      1. The employee first views the application that loads all the info neccessary to finalize the calculations as soon as data provided.
      2. The employee can choose to print these outputs or not.
      3. The employee can start all over again, and no data must be stored in the computer except for reports.
      4. The windows application must have a topic relevant background image.
      5. The employee can only minimize and exit the application.
      6. The employee can print out as many copies as he wants and strore reports in computer.
      7. Final amount = Deposit Amount + [(Deposit Amount*I. Rate/100)*(Months/12)]
      8. Only numbers can be written in relevant fields.
      Notes & Restrictions
      Use (Try Catch) statement to catch possible exceptions if needed.

      The background picture must JPG Format and the application's width and height must fit at least a 600 X 800 screen resolution.


    • Attach (2) - Use Case Definition:

      1. The emplyee (user) can run\open and display the program in normal size window screen.
      2. The user provides the program with an amount and the annually interest (I) rate.
      3. The user provides the month no.
      4. The user clicks (Calc.) to display the result in an uneditable form control.
      5. The user clicks (Print) to print out the income amount & annually Rate of (I.), and the Final saving revenues result.
      6. The user clicks (Exit) to end the application.

    • When you are provided as a programmer with the previous documents you should deliver at anytime as the client didn't specify a dead line time, also the result should be as described as you will need to create 2 things
      1) The Saving Account Win-Desktop Application
      2) The Event Planning Doc.

    • As we discussed in the previous page, the Event Planning may be written after the application's done, so we will be finishing the application first and then write the Event Planning Doc.
    • Download the application & Event Planning Doc. from Mediafire.com
    • Ofcourse you will have to Pack it before delivery.
    • In this project app. example you should have Visual Basic PowerPacks.



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